Cazador's Blog

This page is dedicated to news and politics, new inventions or inventive ideas.

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Location: Monterey Bay Area, California, United States

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Human transporter

I wonder if there will be traffic jams on the sidewalks? :}

When Dean Kamen unveiled the Segway® Human Transporter (HT) on ABC's Good Morning America, he described the machine as "the world's first self-balancing human transporter." When you look at the machine in motion, you get an idea of what he's talking about. Unlike a car, the Segway only has two wheels—it looks something like an ordinary hand truck—yet it manages to stay upright by itself.
To move forward or backward on the Segway HT, the rider just leans slightly forward or backward. To turn left or right, the rider simply turns the steering grip left or right.
The ability to balance on its own is the most amazing thing about the Segway HT, and it is the key to its operation. To understand how this system works, it helps to consider Kamen's model for the device—the human body.
If you stand up and lean forward, so that you are out of balance, you probably won't fall on your face. Your brain knows you are out of balance, because fluid in your inner ear shifts, so it triggers you to put your leg forward and stop the fall. If you keep leaning forward, your brain will keep putting your legs forward to keep you upright. Instead of falling, you walk forward, one step at a time.
The Segway HT does pretty much the same thing, except it has wheels instead of legs, a motor instead of muscles, a collection of microprocessors instead of a brain and a set of sophisticated tilt sensors instead of an inner-ear balancing system. Like your brain, the Segway knows when you are leaning forward. To maintain balance, it turns the wheels at just the right speed, so you move forward. Segway calls this behavior dynamic stabilization and has patented the unique process that allows the Segway HT to balance on just two wheels.

First crop circle 2006

North Farm, nr West Overton, Wiltshire. Reported 9th June.

Every year for years now, crop circles have been found and photographed worldwide.
This is the first of this year.. It is amazing how many there are.
Some are stunning..
Ofcourse that is only my opinion.. :}

The people at Crop Circle Connector have done an excellent job of keeping track of the history and the photos..

An excellent site ...

Your eye in the sky..FLIR systems

From a vantage point high in the sky, FLIR Systems offers a wide range of gyrostabilized aerial cameras incorporating the latest technology in thermal imaging, television cameras, and low light imaging. These imaging systems provide extremely long stand off performance and FLIR's advances in stabilization enable you to take full advantage. Installed on over 76 different types of rotary and fixed wing platforms, FLIR's aerial camera systems are highly regarded for their reliability, stability and superior image quality. FLIR's commitment to customer service is evident in our worldwide network of service centers.